

  • Animal ID


  • Breed

    Alaskan Husky

  • Age

    3 years 1 month

  • Size

    54 pounds

  • Sex


  • Housetrained


  • Location

    Louisiana SPCA

  • Intake Date


  • Adoption Price


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Hello, I'm Ocean! Once upon a time, I was a brave explorer on a quest for the world's tastiest bone. After a series of misadventures involving a skunk, three squirrels, and a particularly stubborn mailbox, I ended up here at the shelter. It wasn't the treasure I was expecting, but hey, life's full of surprises! Despite my curious nature, I've learned my lesson about chasing mailboxes. Now, I'm ready for a new adventure with a family who appreciates a good laugh and a loyal friend. Will you be my new crew?

In Louisiana, our pets are a part of our culture as much as anything else. And for more than 130 years, the Louisiana SPCA has been an advocate for all our furry friends across the state. Follow our Lead and show the characters of Louisiana you care by supporting the Louisiana SPCA.

The Louisiana SPCA helped more than 3,000 animals find their forever home in 2020.

Did you know that we’re not affiliated with the ASPCA and rely on local donations?