Bring all pets inside for the duration of the cold weather! Report pets left outside by calling 9-1-1. The Louisiana SPCA is closed until January 22

Halloween Pet Safety Guide

October 29, 2021


Kitten loosely wrapped in toilet paper to resemble a mummy for Halloween

Halloween Pet Safety Guide

While Halloween may be an exciting time for you and your family, it can be frightening for your furry friend. From ringing doorbells to scary costumes, the noises and sights of the holiday can cause immense stress in pets. Read our Halloween Pet Safety Guide to help give your furry friend a more comforting holiday experience. And who knows? Maybe they’ll be more likely to try on that costume this year…


Pet’s comfort level should be the priority.

Make sure it doesn’t restrict their ability to move, see, breathe, bark or meow.

Make sure there are no small pieces on the costume that they can chew off and possibly swallow.

If your furry friend doesn’t like being in a costume, opt for a festive bandana or accessory they don’t mind.


If you plan to bring your pet trick-or-treating with you, be sure to keep them away from pumpkins and corn because they can give your pet a stomachache.

Don’t bring your pet up to the door with your kids. You never know if someone might be afraid of dogs or have a dog of their own that is near them when they open the door.

The same can be said for if you stay home. With so many strangers coming to your door, your pet might become stressed or afraid. It’s better to keep them away from the door while answering it to trick-or-treaters.

Make sure your pet has proper ID tags and is microchipped in case they get separated from you.

If you think your pet may have Leptospirosis, contact your veterinarian immediately. Your veterinarian can perform tests to determine whether or not your pet has the disease.

The best way to help your pet avoid Lepto is to get them vaccinated. While Lepto isn’t part of the core vaccines typically given to dogs, asking your vet to include it is simple. If you want to get your pet vaccinated for Lepto, call your veterinarian or make an appointment at our Community Clinic.

Save the BOOS for friends

Halloween can be a frightening time for your pet and not just because of the decorations.

Doorbells may cause stress and fear for pets who are not used to the noise. Make them feel more comfortable by disconnecting your doorbell for the evening.

If your furry friend isn’t a fan of strangers, we suggest setting up a candy station at the foot of your driveway or on your porch instead of having visitors come to the door.

If your pet is normally skittish, Halloween may be a stressful experience for them. Set up a safe space in your house where they can be secluded from the commotion. Put their bed in the room with their favorite toys, a blanket, something that smells like you and some treats to make them feel at ease.

If you’re wearing a costume, make sure your furry friend understands it’s you and not an actual monster.