Bring all pets inside for the duration of the cold weather! Report pets left outside by calling 9-1-1. The Louisiana SPCA is closed until January 22

Disaster Preparedness

Hurricane Season & Pets

Don’t wait until a hurricane enters the Gulf, prepare in advance! Just like other members of your household, emergency planning for your pets requires supplies and advance preparation. Pets are members of the family and should be included in disaster preparations. Always include your pets in your evacuation plans and prepare for the worst-case scenario. Do not, under any circumstances, leave your pet behind. 

Before Hurricane Season

Make sure your pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date and make copies of your records to take with you. All boarding facilities and veterinarian offices require proof of immunization before accepting pets. 

Update your pet’s ID tags if needed. Talk to your veterinarian about permanent forms of identification like a microchip and enrolling your pet in a recovery database. This simple step could be your pet’s round-trip ticket home in the event they get lost.

Compile a list of places you can go if you need to evacuate. Consider staying with family or friends outside of the strike zone. Look into pet-friendly hotels, shelters or boarding facilities. Please know we do not board animals during a hurricane.

Evacuation Checklist

  • Food and water. Keep food and water in an airtight, waterproof container. Water should be in addition to the water you need for yourself and family.
  • Medicine and medical records. Keep an extra supply of medicine your pet takes on a regular basis in a waterproof container. All boarding facilities and veterinarian offices require proof of immunization before accepting animals.
  • Collar with ID tag, harness or leash. Your pet should wear a collar with its rabies tag and identification at all times. Include a backup leash, collar and ID tag.
  • Documents. Place copies of your pet’s registration information, adoption papers, vaccination documents and medical records in a clear plastic bag or waterproof container.
  • Crate or other pet carrier. Get a portable, secure and covered pet carrier in advance. Carrier should be large enough so that your pet can completely turn around, and lie down. Mark your name, address, phone number and an alternate contact on the carrier.
  • Sanitation. Include pet litter, newspapers, towels, plastic trash bags and household chlorine bleach. Do not use scented or color safe bleaches, or those with added cleaners. Use 16 drops of regular bleach per gallon of water.
  • Stay Informed. Know what emergency plans are being created and how you will evacuate.

Orleans Parish residents who require assistance to evacuate are urged to register with the City of New Orleans to participate in the City Assisted Evacuation Plan. This plan includes both residents and their pets! To register dial 311 or text “EVACNOLA” to 77295

In Louisiana, our pets are a part of our culture as much as anything else. And for more than 130 years, the Louisiana SPCA has been an advocate for all our furry friends across the state. Follow our Lead and show the characters of Louisiana you care by supporting the Louisiana SPCA.

The Louisiana SPCA helped more than 3,000 animals find their forever home in 2020.

Did you know that we’re not affiliated with the ASPCA and rely on local donations?